Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lay Off Animal Planet!!

Here we go again...another gem from one of my students:

male student: "Mrs. Masten, when does Parker eat the yoke sac?"
me: "What?" (with a look of complete confusion on my face)
student: "When does he eat the yoke?
me: "Do you see me sitting on a nest? I'm not a chicken! There is no yoke!"
student: "Well then what does he eat?"
me: "Um, there is an umbilical cord..."
student: "Gross he eats the cord?"
me: "NO! He gets all the nutrients he needs through the cord. Next year, health class is going to blow your mind!"
another student: "Dogs eat their placenta"
me: "Oh lord! Time out, how did we get from Australia to this subject? Back on track people!"

1 comment:

  1. "I believe that child are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way..."
