Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our First Real Sleepless Night as Parents...

of two crazy dogs!
This was my fun filled day...
7 AM found a pile of regurgitated kibble yummy!
10 AM Ike was eating grass...oh boy
4:30 PM cleaned up after Ike's intestinal pyrotechnics
5 PM Ike ate his dinner very slowly and was super lethargic
8 PM oh joy, more puking
10 PM bedtime, we let the boys sleep in our room so we could monitor Ike
1 AM he threw up again
3 AM Ike was whining to go outside and ran straight for the grass to do some business
5 AM both boys woke-up playful, hungry and with tails wagging
6 AM Ike scarfed down his breakfast
7 AM Ike wrestled and played like nothing had ever happened
10:30 AM Brian discovers the reason for all this up the yard he found a rather large chunk of blanket and a big rock that Ike had swallowed and finally passed
Labs should come with warning tags! It was a long worry filled 24 hours and I can only imagine it will be 10 times worse when Parker gets sick for the first time!


  1. Oh no!!! Ike and Turner are definitely preparing you and Brian for a new baby :)

  2. I thought Turner was the problem child?? Now Ike??

  3. Ditto Connie. I hope Turner was an angel during those 24 hrs.

    And a blanket and a rock? Mmmmmm.
