Saturday, December 26, 2009

Brianisms-Husbands Say the Darndest Things!

I was charting my basal temperature to figure out ovulation and my temperatures were always really low (95-96 degrees most mornings) Brian asked if I can carry a kid in my ice cave.

At 4 months Ike was 40 lbs & Turner was 38 lbs. Brian thought Jack (our 7 month old nephew) weighed around 40 lbs and was shocked to hear that our 6 & 7 year old neighbor kids weighed about as much as the dogs.

To stay sleeping on my side, I had to create a nest with a body pillow on one side of me and two pillows on the other. Brian said it would be pretty easy to just attach a kick stand to my back to keep me propped up.

Heard the baby’s heartbeat at my doctor’s appointment. Brian asked if the baby was running a marathon because it was beating so fast.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Brianisms" - LOL! He's such a goofball, and that's one of things we love about him!

  3. LOL at Brianisms! Brother-in-laws do say the darnest things
