Thursday, February 3, 2011

Milestones a Plenty!

It has been a week of major milestones!

Parker is officially eating solid foods. This was the second try,
it took almost two weeks but it appears that his little digestive system is back on track.

Parker loves looking at himself in the mirror, but the bathroom counter is too slippery for him to stand on, so I installed a Parker heighth mirror in his room.  He loves it! 

He stands in front of it playing patty-cake

and trying to kiss the baby in the mirror.

Damn non-skid footy pajamas!  When I walked into Parker's room this morning,
I was shocked to see him standing up in his crib for the first time. 

Parker took his first steps (with assistance) this week


Parker's first word was "da-dee!"  I think he might also be saying mama but it comes out "ma-ma-ma-ma" so I'm not counting it quite yet. 

If he keeps up this pace he'll be starting college in September.


  1. Wow Parker, you are growing up so fast!

    Can't wait to finally have a real conversation with you on Sunday!

  2. Oh my gosh! That was a busy week! What's next? Learning to drive a car?

    I love the mirror you installed at Parker height! What a great idea, Amy!

  3. Go Parker go!! He's going to be running around in no time. Watch out Ike and Turner :)
